Would you like to know what the LDC rewrite looks like?
Summary of the City’s proposed Land Development Code (previously called CodeNext)
Overview of Land Development Code Changes for the area between 2222 and 620
Our District 10 Council Member, Alison Alter, is one of three Council Members who DO NOT SUPPORT wholeheartedly the Land Development Code Revision.
Please read her position and concerns here
And Council Member Alter’s Newsletter regarding the LDC Revision can be seen here
District 10 Overview of the proposed Land Development Code Rewrite
You can sign up to receive District 10 Newsletters here
City Council Policy Guidance
The City Council provided policy guidance for rewriting the Land Development at their special called meeting on May 2, 2019. If you click on the preceding link, you will find additional links related to the meeting including the agenda, videos of the meeting, and a closed-caption transcript of the meeting as well as work papers and other backup documentation. The meeting was about 8-1/2 hours long. Or you can read a summary of that guidance.
City Council guidance was based on the following previously approved plans:
First Draft (04 Oct 2019) of the Latest LDC Rewrite
This is the most recent draft which was released on 04 Oct 2019:
Staff Report (1.1 MB PDF)
Draft Code (complete) (62.8 MB PDF)
Draft Code (by chapter)
Chapter 1: Introduction (PDF)
Chapter 2: Administration and Procedures (2.0 MB PDF)
Chapter 3: Zoning Code (51.2 MB PDF)
Chapter 4: General Planning Requirements (6.6 MB PDF)
Chapter 5: Subdivision (PDF)
Chapter 7: Signage (5.2 MB PDF)
Chapter 9: Infrastructure (1.3 MB PDF)
These are staff-proposed corrections/revisions since the first draft was released:
Supplemental Staff Report [25 Oct 2019] (3.3 MB PDF)
Proposed Staff Text Revisions [04 Oct 2019] (<1 MB PDF)
The following links provide additional information relating to the code rewrite:
Video of City Council Discussion of Land Development Code Process [08 Oct 2019] (link; 1 hr 58 min)
This blog has some good information about the LDC rewrite https://austinupzoned.blogspot.com/
Comparison of Current to Proposed Changes - see the Table Comparing Residential Uses for allowable uses, setbacks and other quantifiable data
What can you do?
Go to www.austintexas.gov/LDC and find your property and zone on the zoning map to see what is allowed.
Write to Council and Mayor at https://www.austintexas.gov/email/all-council-members
File a protest at www.fileyourprotest.com
- ​Speak or Attend Events
Watch Austin City Council LDC Work Session: Tuesday, December 3, 1pm (search ATXN to watch)
Austin City Council LDC Work Session: Wednesday, December 4, 12-4pm (search ATXN to watch)
Speak at Austin City Council Public Hearing: Saturday, December 7, 10 am
Speak at Austin City Council LDC First Reading Vote: Monday, December 9, 10am
Talk to friends, co-workers, and acquaintances who live in other districts – show them what is happening and encourage them to write to their council member