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What 1984 and 1986 ordinances apply to the site? and 1981 zoning classification?The 1986 zoning ordinance that establishes R & D zoning for the property (C14R-85-118 – ROW ID - 177659). 19860619-Q, Ordinance ( There was a separate ordinance that preceded the 1986 ordinance and established a Planned Development Agreement (PDA) and Industrial District Agreement on the property. The ordinance does not reference a development case number, such as a site plan (SP-) or zoning case (C14-). This is the 1984 PDA 19841115-GG, Ordinance ( This is the 1984 update to the 1981 building codes.
What are the zoning issues? Why is it important?In 1984 the 3M company obtained a contract-like agreement with the City called a Planned Development Agreement. (see the earlier FAQ for the ordinances). That set the terms for laboratories on the site and other entitlements. in 1986 they were zoned Research and Development (R&D). Karlin does not want Industrial use - they want general office, retail and apartments. This is very different uses and zoning is based on the use of the land. If the 3M zoning is granted, we will ask for: â– Traffic Impact Assessment â– Current code Environmental Regulations for trees, drainage, ponds, water quality, impervious cover on slopes â– Hill Country Roadway Ordinance be incorporated â– Requirement to pay into affordable housing â– Energy conservation mandate such as green energy or dark skies â– High standard of site planning required â– Required adequate access or off-street parking plans, etc.
Is this intensity what the City had planned for us?No we are defined as an Activity Center Redevelopment in an Environmentally Sensitive Area by the City. Bull Creek originates in this area. The green dot on the left shows our Environmentally Sensitive area. Above that is the larger orange dot for Lakeline Mall.
Where will the new traffic light on FM 2222 be located?At the intersection of Sitio Del Rio Blvd and FM 2222. At Sitio Del Rio Blvd a driveway is planned to be added to this intersection as an entrance into the buildings - if the old PDA ordinance is amended as Karlin is requesting. Right now there is one allowed public entrance that is located off River Place Blvd. and two employee entrances to parking garages.
How big will it be?According to Karlin in a September 16, 2022 meeting they said it would finish out at: : 1.5 million sq ft of Office 77 thousand sq ft of Retail Up to 1400 Apartments. According to wikipedia: Lakeline Mall has 1,099,420 square feet (102,139 m2) of gross leasable area. Total retail floor area: 1,099,420 square feet ... No. of anchor tenants: 6 (4 open, 2 vacant) Management: Simon Property Group Location: Austin, Texas, United States
What are the building phases?The best estimate given at the September 16, 2022 meeting was: The first phase is the refurbishing they are currently doing. Then they are applying to the City to build 315 apartments at 6800 River Place Dr "soon". The lot that is designated Greenbelt and no development by the City, so changes will be requested by Karlin. After that, they plan to phase in the 77,000 sq of Retail, up to 1085 more Apartments, and 500,000 more sq ft of Office.
What is the approval process timing?The property will go through a full public review process. Given the City's decision to NOT approve the Planned Development Agreement grandfathering, it will probably start with the Parks Board. If the grandfathering is not approved, it will next go to the Environmental Commission (EC). If the grandfather is approved it will not got to EC probably because there will be no variances. Then it's required to go to the Zoning and Platting (ZAP) Commission for their recommendations, then to City Council for a vote on the project. Usually there are three readings (approval meetings with the public) at City Council. If the project is approved by City Council, the next step of approval is Site Plan. Only after that can construction begin. The construction is estimated to take up to ten years.
How will traffic be impacted?Karlin has agreed to do a TIA.
What environmental ordinances must they follow?The City had minimal 1984 Environmental ordinances. Current Environmental ordinances would require Environmental regulations for trees, drainage, ponds, water quality, impervious cover on slopes in the Lake Austin Watershed.
If I want the details who do I contact? And where do I go to find more information?If you want the most recent details, go to Public search and put the address 6800 River Place Blvd or 6801 River Place Blvd then hit the SUBMIT button in that box. Email the City of Austin case manager TBD Email linda Bailey or your Neighborhood Association/Homeowners Association president. Directly email the owner Michael McGlashan
What can I do?Read this website for more info. Speak up. Get involve and write letters. Ask your neighborhood association/HOA to write a letter of concern to City Council at Letters should copy City of Austin case manager TBD and Linda Bailey at
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