PUD Endorsement letter
RE: case number C814-86-023.01
Dear Honorable Mayor, City Council Members and Commissioners,
Please approve the Camelback PUD, which we believe respects our environmental and zoning laws. We support its plan for low density residential housing and commercial housing coupled with open green space.
The Camelback PUD owner, Jonathan Coon, has met with numerous neighbors from surrounding neighborhoods and has consistently demonstrated a commitment to open space, heritage trees, parks, shoreline, high quality design, dark skies, Three Star Green Buildings, and to the planned extension of Bridgepoint Parkway, a much-needed alternate emergency route for area neighborhoods. We look forward to having a PUD that will preserve the natural environment while providing important public benefits including two parks and a walking trail. We especially appreciate the following attributes of the PUD plan:
· Two public parks are specified; the original PUD specified none
· A walking trail is specified; the original PUD specified none
· Green water controls are specified; the original PUD specified none
· More than 50 percent of the land is dedicated to Open Green Space; the original PUD specified only half that quantity
· Traffic mitigation is based on the Traffic Impact Assessment; the original PUD specified none
· Dark Skies designation will reduce light pollution from the offices and restaurant; the original PUD specified none
· Bridgepoint Parkway meets the City’s Smart Streets and Austin Fire Department specification
· Tree mitigation that meets current code
· Trees will be protected
· Three Star Energy Rating is planned (superior to the required Two Star Rating)
· The public benefit of a nice, quiet restaurant; the original PUD specified none
In short, Mr. Coon has shown tremendous respect for neighbors’ values, opinions and requests. Your vote supporting the PUD Zoning Amendment will not only contribute to protecting our environment but will restore some of the trust in the Council and City Staff that was clearly lost during the Champion Tract 3 proceedings.
We strongly encourage the City of Austin to support and approve the Camelback PUD amendment. We are grateful to Mr. Coon for his efforts to respect our values and to improve the situation on the Champion Tract 3, and we support the incorporation of Champion Tract 3 into the PUD.